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Hello and welcome!

I´m really proud to introduce the new way to get your LetsTrust-TPM working with your Raspberry Pi!

Till the next Stretch update from the RasPi Foundation the way will be:

Step one:
Open a (whatever) term on your Pi.

Step two:
Run a "sudo rpi-update"

Step three:
Open the /boot/config.txt with "sudo nano /boot/config.txt"
and activate SPI with uncomment
and load the TPM device tree overlay with

Step four:
Plug your LetsTrust-TPM onto the right pins and reboot your Raspberry Pi

Step five:
Open a (whatever) term on your Pi and type "ls /dev/tpm0" and
/dev/tpm0 will appear in yellow letters!

Step six:
Be happy about your success!

Huge thanks to a friend of mine an ex colleague: Peter Hüwe.
He found this smart solution [1] for the Pull Request issues [2].

Thank you Phil Elwell for evaluation, identifying problems and finally merging the PR [3]

Bye for now!


Categories: TPM


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